The Whale
Words and music by Stuart M. Frank
(Recorded by Lewis, Pint & Dale on Making Waves)
On the deep and moody ocean, briny foam
and steely grey,
Lonely bow wash in drowsy motion lulled my dreams at break of
And the misty world was silent in the light of morning skies,
With the sails full set above me and the sea spray in my eyes.
And I can't say how it happened - in the blinking of an eye -
In a flash of foam and fury came the gulls with mournful cry
The great ocean waters parted and with head held proud and
Burst the whale who spumed and started with the ages in his
And his back was black and brawny and his flukes would splash
the sky.
In a fragment of an instant he met my gaze square in the eye.
All that day across the ocean by our ship full trimmed with
Swam the whale with leaps and bounding right beside our
starboard rail.
And his back was black and shining like the onyx in the spray
And the crew of four and thirty joyful smiled to see him play.
Then he churned the great Atlantic with a flourish of his
And he blew a fateful geyser and he smiled, I swear he smiled,
The ageless smile of a whale.
When I dream now of the ocean, of the wild and foaming brine
It's his eye that holds my vision - that same eye that gazed
in mine.
In my dreams I see him smiling somewhere on the sea
And I wonder when he's sleeping if sometimes - if sometimes -
Maybe sometimes - he dreams of me.